The Residents’ Council has purchased a Portable Speaker System that is available for organization or group usage. The System has a speaker with a built-in microphone and two (2) additional microphones. The weight of the system is approximately 40 pounds. It has wheels and a handle for moving like a suitcase. The speaker has a rechargeable battery and can be used in various settings. The microphones are operated by AA or AAA batteries. All items required to operate the system are provided in the carrying bag supplied with the System.

The System is stored in the Residents’ Council Office located in the East main building just past PNC Bank. You may reserve the system using the form below.
On the day of your activity, go to the East Front Desk, sign for a key to the Residents’ Council Office, retrieve the System, and return the key to the East Desk. A complete set of operating instructions are attached to the speaker. You may aleo contact Ray Saunders to schedule personal instructions on setup and use of the system.
Upon completion of your activity, return the System to the Residents Council Office using the same procedure and connect the rechargeable battery to an electric outlet for charging for the next user. The cord for connecting to the electric outlet is in the carrying bag. If any AA or AAA batteries in the microphones need replacing, please do so.
The Residents Council hopes this additional service to the residents of Bethany Village will enhance your ability to communicate with those attending your activity.
Use this panel to reserve the speaker system. Click on the large icon.
This panel shows scheduled days